Pastor Appreciation Ministries

Pastor Appreciation Ministries is a non-profit ministry based in Central Florida dedicated to the building up and encouragement of pastors across denominational lines. For more information on our ministry, visit us at

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dear Brian and friends,

As a full-time minister and pastor for the past sixteen years, I am blown away that God would put it on the heart of someone to start a ministry, and to host a complimentary golf tournament, for no other reason than to thank full-time clergy. As most of my contempories will attest, we are so use to giving of our lives for others that we rarely expect to receive anything in return, especially from someone we have not ministered to. This is not meant to sound as if we are feeling sorry for ourselves, although all of us are tempted to do so at times. Rather, it is to say that we see the work we are doing as a privilege before anything and are caught by surprise when someone does something so thoughtful for us.

Having spoken with you during and after the tournament, I was inspired by your vision to help train lay people how to better care for and honor their spiritual leaders. I realize that some spiritual leaders have already proven to be self-serving, and have benefited more from their positions than they deserved to, but most spiritual leaders are overworked, underpaid, undervalued and underappreciated. The scriptures, even Jesus, strongly warned against taking such people for granted. However, as I shared with you, the hardest part in solving this problem is that the spiritual leaders are limited as to how much they can challenge their people to better honor them as leaders. It is difficult not to appear self-serving when doing so. Therefore most spiritual leaders avoid the subject and just suffer in silence. Your vision to come into this problem as a third party, and to meet one of the greatest needs that nobody is talking about, is admirable and I believe God-inspired.

Thank you for being obedient to what the Lord has put into your heart to do. And thank you again for such a wonderful day of golf, food, fellowship and neat door prizes. I made several new pastor friends at the tournament, and can hardly wait for next year's event!

God bless you Brian!

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