Pastor Appreciation Ministries

Pastor Appreciation Ministries is a non-profit ministry based in Central Florida dedicated to the building up and encouragement of pastors across denominational lines. For more information on our ministry, visit us at

Monday, October 20, 2008

This year again I welcomed the encouragement that God had for me and my brothers at the tournament! The cultural environment in which we are called to shepherd increasingly restless sheep is requiring consistent moments of reinforcement and focus for the task ahead. I had the privilege to play my round with Kenn Kington and our group was just what the Lord ordered for the day! The high point for the event was the time of singing and worship together with Al Denson. For a few incredible moments the burdens of my calling were simply lifted off of my heart and with my brothers, I was free to revel in and long for a time of unrestrained praise to our Lord! When I walked out of the clubhouse and turned my phone back on it was clear that the burdens had resettled on me. Yet, in that moment I felt a renewed strength and commitment to continue to serve my Lord and His people with joy in the days ahead. The tournament is not frivolous distraction but is a predictable well of refreshment that the Lord is distributing through your organization and the many business partners and sponsors who make the tournament a certainty! Keep the fresh water flowing!

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