Pastor Appreciation Ministries

Pastor Appreciation Ministries is a non-profit ministry based in Central Florida dedicated to the building up and encouragement of pastors across denominational lines. For more information on our ministry, visit us at

Monday, October 20, 2008

I just wanted to personally thank you and your sponsors for the tournament again this year. I know that it could have been easy to cancel the tournament with the state of our economy and with other issues. Thanks for making a deposit in my life and in other pastor’s lives with your generosity and hospitality. I truly enjoyed the worship time. There was a deep and authentic time of worship there in that meeting room at dinner and that was the highlight of my day. To enjoy God's presence with others who enjoy His presence... good call to have worship at the dinner. :) Overall, I just felt really honored and excited to be playing golf with some wonderful men of God and I really appreciate once again all you have done for me.

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I am a Vietnam Veteran. That simply means that I came back from serving in combat without receiving any form of appreciation for that service. I accepted that and dedicated myself to showing appreciation to others and not looking for any for myself. Although the congregations I have served over the past 30 years have treated me well I have avoided “appreciation” events. One of the counselor type pastors at the golf outing yesterday could probably explain that. I am so very thankful that I attended your event yesterday. I felt truly appreciated. You generously honored the pastoral office, the Christ we serve, but also us individually. Someone said that the some folks have the gift to give you something in such a way that you feel you are doing them a favor by accepting. You have that gift.

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This year again I welcomed the encouragement that God had for me and my brothers at the tournament! The cultural environment in which we are called to shepherd increasingly restless sheep is requiring consistent moments of reinforcement and focus for the task ahead. I had the privilege to play my round with Kenn Kington and our group was just what the Lord ordered for the day! The high point for the event was the time of singing and worship together with Al Denson. For a few incredible moments the burdens of my calling were simply lifted off of my heart and with my brothers, I was free to revel in and long for a time of unrestrained praise to our Lord! When I walked out of the clubhouse and turned my phone back on it was clear that the burdens had resettled on me. Yet, in that moment I felt a renewed strength and commitment to continue to serve my Lord and His people with joy in the days ahead. The tournament is not frivolous distraction but is a predictable well of refreshment that the Lord is distributing through your organization and the many business partners and sponsors who make the tournament a certainty! Keep the fresh water flowing!

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This was my second year to receive the blessing of your gift of the day. Thank You!

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I am confident that you have received countless words of appreciation and thanksgiving from all the pastors who are recipients of your Christian love and generosity - especially as demonstrated through the annual pastors' golf tournament. My perspective of gratitude goes beyond the golf, delicious food, and various prizes. It is to witness the gathering of so many Christian leaders from Central Florida in one place. It is a reminder to me that we are not alone as we carry out our respective ministries, but are part of a vast team of believers whose purpose it is to proclaim Christ, and Him crucified! There is a sense of unexplained unity that exists, despite the variety of denominations, styles of ministry and doctrinal differences represented. I am comforted and encouraged as I hear about the diversity of God-given gifts and ministries within the group. With the exception of my personal golfing performance, it is a "taste of heaven !"

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Thanks again to you and all those who made yesterday a great day.

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I stay consumed with the Lord and what I do for Him, and I am blessed to do so. God "wired me for 220" so I am very active in the Lord's Kingdom, and love every minute of it. So much so, that I have a difficult time slowing down and relaxing... Just ask my wife of 25 years! I so enjoyed myself last year that I immediately signed up to participate again this year. As the day approached, as usual, my schedule seemed to load up, and I considered not coming over. I had invited a friend of mine to join in the festivities of the day, and quite honestly, I was more interested in seeing this friend of mine, my "spiritual dad" than the event itself. Your day was the perfect opportunity to visit with him, and get away from the office! Sunday night late, this friend called me to tell me he had someone rushed into emergency surgery, and the doctors did not give the family good news. It was a delicate situation. My friend called me to tell me he would not be able to be at the tournament in the morning. I sat back and almost cancelled myself. But the Lord encouraged me to continue on and participate myself. I know this sounds crazy... To come to the end of this thank you, I came to the event. I spent the day with guys I had never met. And I had another wonderful time. It took me the front nine to settle down and relax...just ask my teammates! But as I just "let go" that morning, the Lord began to bless me with an amazing tranquility and peace. You provided a vehicle to bless me and the Lord's work over here in Melbourne, and I wanted to let you know that you were used of the Lord, if for no one else, then for me! May God richly bless you and all those who participated in making this a wonderful day of blessings for some of the pastors of the area. I pray that as you continue to endeavor to be a blessing, God would grant His favor over you, your family, and your ministry! A very appreciative pastor

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As a retired pastor (also an interim) I deeply appreciate your ministry. I don't know how you are able to provide for such a wonderful experience for us. It is great to meet other pastors and to enjoy such a wonderful golf facility. Again thanks for letting God use you in this way.

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Thank you for the great outing on October 6. Everything was fantastic, especially the worship time.

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I want to express my profound thanks for the Pastor Appreciation Golf Tournament. I had been working a minimum of 70 hours a week since June and I really needed a day of rest. I was serving two congregations and doing work for our denomination and I will be 72 next month. I am now only serving one congregation and doing the denominational work. I enjoy serving the Lord, but the day off reminded me I need to observe a Sabbath for myself to keep me fresh and going. The tournament provided the opportunity and you made it happen. As long as my wife's health and my health allow me to do so I plan to keep working. I believe the only retirement plan God has is the grave. Thanks again for the refreshment.

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I apologize for having to leave a little early at the event last week- but had to meet with planners on my daughters wedding which is taking place in April. Pastors leaving early after all the hard work you put into it is a pet peeve with me- so I stayed up until 4pm- as long as I could. Sure am glad I didn’t miss the awesome praise and worship time- it was amazing- and the presence of the Lord was very evident in that room. That may have been the highlight of the day for me. Thanks so much for putting on a tremendous tournament and blessing us in this unique and meaningful way. Got to meet a few new guys and even had lunch with one of the pastors on my team this past week- thanks.

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I wanted to thank you for the amazing day yesterday at OCN. I was looking forward to a great day, but this far exceeded my expectations. From the time we arrived to the time we left, you all had put so much planning into making the pastors feel appreciated. I know that was the goal, but it was an amazing day. I understand what all goes into making something like this happen and that makes it even more special. You and all those that worked on this event did so much to make this special and to honor us.

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Let me say what a huge blessing it was to have that day provided for us. I only play maybe 4 times a year and am not a super golfer but was so blessed to be a part of your tournament. Please forward my sincere heart felt appreciation to those who made this possible. We did feel honored and blessed. From arrival, the young people waiting, to the breakfast, the carts that were so well equipped with coolers and GPS...... WOW then to top it off with an excellent dinner. Thank you so much. This was mine and my sons first time but hopefully not our last time.

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Your tournament has been a blessing every time I have attended. I have been through seven years of transitioning our church and it has been unbelievably hard at times. Coming to the tournament and being treated like a VIP was always a high point at times when my life didn’t have a lot of them.

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I am a church planter and this past year has been a difficult one. However, God continues to encourage and direct us to keep going in our calling here. He did that again through you yesterday. Thank you. I know this takes a lot of money to put on. I wish I could thank each one personally, but I cannot. Please pass on my deep appreciation for their support of this ministry.

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As always, you hit another home run. Your conscientious way of making everyone feel welcome is an incredible feat. I have had the privilege to play in all of the PAGT's. They get better every year. Thanks again for a job well done! By the way, the worship time and Kenn Kington was great this year.

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Thank you for all the effort and expenses in making this day a memorable event, each year. It is really about getting away from the daily routines and enjoying God's creation and trying to overcome the "devil's invention" [the game of golf]. It has always proven to be a most enjoyable day. The food is always good, the golf course was excellent and your thoughtfulness deeply appreciated. For people who know how to give, it isn't always easy to learn how to "receive" but we pray the Lord will bless you for your graciousness and spirit of giving to so many.

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It was great! Thank you for another great year, and for putting so much time and effort into it!

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Another great day. Thank you sooooo much for loving on us. It was a wonderful day. May our Lord return to you 100 fold.

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I have been in Orlando 14 years and played in all the Pastor Appreciation Golf outings--even winning one year. I look forward to seeing some of the men I have played golf with and to seeing some of my fellow workers and comrades whom I seldom see. May I say THANK YOU for your labor of love for us. I remain yours in His service.

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This is my first year serving in Florida coming here from the beautiful mountains of Virginia. The golf tournament was a true blessing. The worship time was the highlight of the day. I would like to ask if this one in Orlando is the only one or do you have regional ones for other areas? A pastor friend serving in Perry was asking after I told him how big of a blessing it was.

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Thank you once again for a fantastic day of fellowship and golf. I have been to all these special days and this year's worship was the highlight. Pastor's need that avenue to not think about anything or anyone but our Awesome God. It was a home-run! Thanks again

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I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful time at the golf outing this past Monday. The course was great. The meal was outstanding and the program was very uplifting. My only regret was a bogie on hole 16. I really enjoyed the worship time. Hearing a bunch of preachers sing to the Lord is something that is very moving. Again thank you for a great day.

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Thank you, so much, for the golf tournament that you provided last week. It was a wonderful experience, as usual. Your efforts are appreciated more than you know.
May God continue to richly bless you and your co-workers at Pastor Appreciation Ministries.

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Thank you for this opportunity of special fellowship. May our gracious Heavenly Father continue to smile upon your efforts to offer encouragement to the pastors of Christ's Church!

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